The Firm offers advice on the subject of wealth planning, dealing with the fiscal and legal analysis (the latter in coordination with the legal department) of the entire balance sheet of the clients according to their business and personal goals.
As a tool, wealth advisory has an extremely versatile nature as it offers a high possibility of customization and allows the achievement of multiple objectives: from the generational transition of family assets and companies, to the protection of the heritage, to the planning of the real estate activities, to the protection of weak subjects, up to becoming a support of corporate debt restructuring plans.
Within the framework of a family heritage organization, the Firm therefore offers advice on tax and corporate aspects concerning the management, protection and generational transfer of family assets, also from a succession perspective, both at domestic and cross-border level. More specifically, the experts analyze alternative solutions , such as the incorporation of a simple company, family pacts, insurance plans, trust companies, trusts or family holdings to meet the needs of customers, carefully evaluating both the establishment and conferment phase, the ordinary taxation (on the company and its shareholders) and the liquidation phase, also with regard to the inheritance and gift tax.